Elderly Care: Helping You Deal With the Dying Process

Elderly Care: Helping You Deal With the Dying Process

Prep For HIV Exposure Protection: What You Should Know

Julio Carr

If you live a lifestyle that has put you at risk of HIV exposure, it's important that you take every possible step to protect yourself. One of the things that you need to think about is PrEP. Although there were not many means of protection from HIV in the past, PrEP has provided a prophylactic option that protects you against the virus. Understanding the basics of PrEP can help you decide if it's the right choice for you. Here are some things that your medical care provider wants you to know.

PrEP Is Highly Effective

When it comes to barrier protection, PrEP is highly effective at preventing infection following exposure. However, if you want to get the best possible protection from it, you need to make sure that you follow your doctor's advice and the treatment regimen provided to you. In most cases, you'll have to take PrEP for a certain period of time before you engage in any high-risk activity because you'll need that time for the product to become effective.

You Have To Be Tested First

PrEP is only effective if you haven't already contracted HIV. As a result, your doctor will have to test you for HIV exposure before he or she can agree to prescribe PrEP for your treatment. Make sure that you allow time for that testing and results before you start your treatment. This may mean ensuring that you are free of any exposure risk during that time, too.

PrEP Doesn't Mean You Can Skip The Condoms

One thing that it's important to realize is that PrEP is only effective as a barrier product for HIV exposure. It does not protect you against any other types of STDs. You need to make sure you're still practicing safe sex and wearing condoms, even if you've been prescribed PrEP. Your medical care provider will probably test you for other STDs before they prescribe PrEP, too. This is an important step that can give you peace of mind.

You'll Have To See Your Doctor Regularly

When you're taking PrEP, your doctor will want to see you every couple of months. He or she will test your kidney function and run other blood work regularly to ensure that you are healthy. 

Talk with your medical care provider today about the benefits of taking virtual order PrEP prescription medication if you are at high risk of exposure to HIV. The more proactive you can be about protection, the safer you are.


2024© Elderly Care: Helping You Deal With the Dying Process
About Me
Elderly Care: Helping You Deal With the Dying Process

As an elderly care worker, I have witnessed the deaths of many individuals. I have seen family members become angry, sad, and completely silent at the end. I have also seen individuals refuse to see family members out of denial. People deal with death in different ways, and the strong emotions are often unfamiliar and scary. If you have a parent or grandparent who is elderly, then I want to share with you what I know about end of life care and dying process. We are a society that does not talk about death, and this can cause great pain when a family member dies. Learn about the process and find out how to deal with your own emotions and how to love your family members at the end. If there is only a small amount of time left, then I want you to cherish the final moments.
